
Our 7th Anniversary

Yesterday was our 7th wedding anniversary. We ate Texas Road House (Yum!) to celebrate. Because of my eye medical bills, we didn't have money to do anything extravagant like we normally do. Travis got me a box full of things I've been wanting, though: food chopper, new dishes, oil despenser set & lots of bath stuff. Yea!

Today I have spent most of my time working on the engagement photos in my digital dark room. They are turning out So Good, but they have been a lot of work. The guy had a sunburn with a hat line across his forehead. You have no idea how difficult that was to "fix" lol

Travis & Justin are at their VFD meeting tonite, so I'm going to get started on my Bible Study. If you haven't already heard the crazy news in the world (prophecy being revealed all around us), then check out Iran, Israel, NKorea & the EU. --it's getting nutty out there!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you both had a SUPER day!! :-D That one is for Travis........... :)
